Wednesday, March 28, 2012


birds in children
caged Pelicans &
nightly iced breezes.

smokey irises, feathers in
the weather-- critical
to neurological interruptions
woven synapses; caged
Pelican id.

Pelican eyelids, ruddy
round tears. Walk-in cages
under feather-gem

2012 Meeting Notes

domino skies-- connect clouds
Rows of beatnic suns without
proper dispositions

Mea culpa, culture
the atom bomb was Dropped
Your railroad tracks disintegrated
hats off-- we've all
contracted isms (failed
sense of fashion)

obsession with dots;
A domino sky disconnected

Some time in 2010?

Bubblegum fireflies
on a fence not built
into a lawn's leech field

we do not have fairies
or lawns here
but fences here
are set in parking

grass at church lawn
we in cars
without lawns
chain link
A breath of gray cream. Taps.
Lame trot and hot froth (invisible)

A boy cradles a blade with his mother
"Mom" calls. I tear the blade and mother cries in the Eiffel

defense cannot kill yourself,
cannot moderate impulse
the heart fragments
to the self


Holes in ants have never been seen (by me)
A solid? Crawling blocks, uncovered
by android puppeteers who just
want their hands filled with
wooden crosses and twine

On stage, holes are blind-- still covered
by dancing fingers and wooden

Multiplying holes, snags in the twine.
more fingers. Fill.

Wooden crosses wait. More slack-less


Symphony & frozen fruit
frosty wind chimes that mesmerize
the idling flute-- become foggy
with frozen saliva

Staged grass, melodious tree
crashing feet atop
broken snares, shattering cymbals