Tuesday, April 4, 2017


flawless flowers
fantasize demonstrations
on the foothills of statehouse

guerilla processes turned, taut
at the steeple of Man

disowned disinterested

distant windmills dropping

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


birds in children
caged Pelicans &
nightly iced breezes.

smokey irises, feathers in
the weather-- critical
to neurological interruptions
woven synapses; caged
Pelican id.

Pelican eyelids, ruddy
round tears. Walk-in cages
under feather-gem

2012 Meeting Notes

domino skies-- connect clouds
Rows of beatnic suns without
proper dispositions

Mea culpa, culture
the atom bomb was Dropped
Your railroad tracks disintegrated
hats off-- we've all
contracted isms (failed
sense of fashion)

obsession with dots;
A domino sky disconnected

Some time in 2010?

Bubblegum fireflies
on a fence not built
into a lawn's leech field

we do not have fairies
or lawns here
but fences here
are set in parking

grass at church lawn
we in cars
without lawns
chain link
A breath of gray cream. Taps.
Lame trot and hot froth (invisible)

A boy cradles a blade with his mother
"Mom" calls. I tear the blade and mother cries in the Eiffel

defense cannot kill yourself,
cannot moderate impulse
the heart fragments
to the self


Holes in ants have never been seen (by me)
A solid? Crawling blocks, uncovered
by android puppeteers who just
want their hands filled with
wooden crosses and twine

On stage, holes are blind-- still covered
by dancing fingers and wooden

Multiplying holes, snags in the twine.
more fingers. Fill.

Wooden crosses wait. More slack-less


Symphony & frozen fruit
frosty wind chimes that mesmerize
the idling flute-- become foggy
with frozen saliva

Staged grass, melodious tree
crashing feet atop
broken snares, shattering cymbals

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


if my words were 3D would
students come inside
bunched up,
knees against
their chests
in cubes of my words

or would they replace words
with civilization
blooming from tar-flowers
bar-flies, frosted tips
if Villes are Identicle
Shops all     ring Cash
in Orbit

if I walk     under Doors
daily in Heat

if I flipflop on
separate tiles
all Day
The Morning - now
diamonds like Fuel and
a hut, a helmet, hell and a hand
and "I'll follow"-- The Morning

Buddy, bombs, private
numbers-- 2 calls, no helmet
The Morning
"In there"
"In here"


I carry thighs
touching everafterglow

at midnight we'll snake down
a circle of smoke behind a

knee deep mattress, choke.
belt strap snap

quiet fine


at 2 we'll murmur
body hair, murmur between
our hands

raw lips, bleeding teeth
choke dense musket juice

English Students

Most shoes are black      / white
and Hair black    /    white (blonde)
legs       black (hair) / white

Faces black/white/red

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


On Every Metal Bow
Holidays Have Become Lovely
In the Glare of the Toy Doctors

H1N1 is just around the corner
7 days left to shop

Educate the Yankee Candler
who adores the Metal Toppers
They Fit Perfectly

Chippendales Won't Be Coming to Dinner
The Ham will not be Spiced Tonight

But I and You will stand beyond
the Fire and the Tree


more than anything
white lace on the windows
of classroom windows
- fire hazard

give me the
music ceremony

and white space
when i hold books, now

I do not turn pgs

read words space

windows covered in white lace


When I Think of Apples

what a sinner
hidden under the smoke

18 boxes
and 3 on my shelf
in the back of the landmine

Big Apple, Big Malfunction

children of the tower
have changed into
the slippers in
the shelved boxes

without sinner, free of smoke

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Listmania! List

Awesome books. Check them out.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Lay over to the green side of the bed
so I may gargle in your ear

Evening sickness brings on
terrifying black passes

Resulting in orange tea
leaf dreams

At the side of a bowl
cracked, perhaps

Is this porcelain?
Is there a cheaper way to make these?

Leftovers, the green side of
the bed has brought too many

Kicks and snores
And now "are boring."

Off the Top

elate! the grand slapper has come
and gone

15 year virgins and
windshield wiper blades covered
in vaginal saps

on a drive
to the beer city
undergoing transparent
rearrangements of love
(and I hate to use
that word)

Friday, July 31, 2009


Lies, you sold me well
   on the chintz rugs
in empty rooms
that never meant to be   symbols

but became the setting
of lustful forgottens

naked perfume, cunt,
A Liar's red kiss

text fantasy- an empty
long house- dorm room
   futon and sex down
hallways (no mirrors or sinks)
and I cannot see myself

in an empty white
mansion in
his sleeping bag sheets
drool stained pillow, fuck
on white hemp rugs
on a sleeping bag- mild July
in cookie cutter lawns.

Salt water pool,
purify lactose astronauts
who soar up wooden (plastic)
Whose sores opened wide and gaped
at the throne of GUIDANCE
Who turned to false Equality
  to run the schoolroom copies
of Emerson Emerson
Emerson --> Reliance (Learned Helpless)
No furniture! No! Amp up on linoleum
Marble- cable television and
IPOD tripping has gone too far

Frozen Popsicles have become
our urban treats?! Fuck Paradise,
we have our kids right here
with fingers and toes and noses and
eyes and ears

And, Providence,
feel up this woman's

Do Phones Create Humidity?

    is I
in California, is
   every Humidity gray?
and will buses
drain my wallet to
a bone?

will I take 2nd
settle at 3rd    and
    will   my clothes
be worn?

on stages, I will not
be- tightrope poetry!
Book,  take this well
      with rusty
      metal coins.
(cell phones at my back)